The case for social media as a knowledge management solution

Live Stage: Twitter/Art+Social Media, Vancouver, BC

Live Stage: Twitter/Art+Social Media, Vancouver, BC

Nonsocial workplace environments are unhealthy and dangerous for employees, customers and the company as a whole. Lack of a genuine social network in the workplace is downright toxic. Trust, if it ever existed, is forever destroyed and dysfunction and repeated employee, project and business failures becomes the norm.

When economies falter and recessions hit, people who are lucky enough to have jobs begin to fear for their jobs, more than ever before. Most workers simply hunker down, don’t look up, never say ‘no’ to unrealistic requests and expectations and do whatever they can to keep from being ‘thrown under the bus.’

Demand a revolution, pave the way, accept nothing less … and ye shall receive!

Toxic work environments have existed for hundreds of years. Throughout the generations, workers have always wished and hoped for better work environments; most went into retirement exhausted and to their graves with a lifetime of regrets. To make the workplace change, a sudden shift in its social climate was needed. From Traditionals to Millennials, modern-day employees entered the workforce expecting better, highly fulfilling work environments. Yet, the generations have been at the mercy of old-school corporations, short-sighted boards and uninformed CEO and forced to repeat history and tolerate dysfunctional environments, bad bosses and toxic, career-jarring work situations. Yet, a little revolution happened along the way: social media.

Technology advancements opened the future to possibilities. Simple personal blogs led to sharing and fun in social circles outside the workplace. And the fun has managed to infiltrate the workplace, primarily as a demand by the workforce.

While social media use is not formally in every work environment, its acceptance is growing, workers are demanding it and a revolution is getting underway. Hallelujah!

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About maribarrett

fluent in brand and knowledge communications and compelling stories that influence, inspire and inform ... and lead to serendipitous discovery.
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